Fløyen 💚nature

Nature is Fløyen's main attraction and it’s our ambition to make Fløyen Norway's greenest destination. 


Fløyen is the green mountain in the middle of the city where you can learn about nature and be inspired to take care of it. A place where you can experience real nature with all of your senses. Taste new potatoes from the mountains, hear the birds’ dawn chorus, see hares bound between the trees, smell the goats or dance in the rain. 


Our social mission

For over 100 years, we have been transporting people up to the top of the green mountain in the middle of Bergen. Yet Fløibanen funicular is just the vehicle to what really matters: helping people to enjoy nature – in a sustainable way. To delight, inspire, teach – both large and small, young and old. Fløyen will create wonderful experiences in nature that stimulate all the senses, regardless of the season or weather.

Fløyen is certified according to the ISO 14001 standard (International Environmental Standard). The certification applies to passenger traffic with associated outdoor activities and restaurant services. We work daily to take responsibility for the footprint that we and all the visitors to Mount Fløyen leave behind. Together, we aim to inspire sustainable use of nature, so that we can preserve it for generations to come.

Our values

R – espect | It is our responsibility to have respect for the natural environment and surroundings, each other and our guest. We recognize diversity both within our team and among our guests.

E – ngaged | We have passionate employees who create great guest experiences, and take care of the nature. 

I - nclusive | Fløyen is for everyone, and we aim to inspire both across departments and among our guests.

N – ature driven | We aim to be innovative, think creatively, and create great experiences for all our guests so that they keep coming back.


 Our work with the sustainability goals

#15 Life on land
  • Through the Nature School concept we invite schools to outdoor classrooms to learn about life in the forest and the animals that live there.
  • Below the viewing platform, we have our own beehives with up to 50,000 bees that do invaluable work for the plants down in the city centre and in the forests on Fløyen. The honey is sold locally in Fløistuen shop and used in Fløirestauranten.
  • We have ten cashmere goats that graze on Fløyen throughout the year and stop the vegetation growing too high.  
#3 Good health and well-being
  • We have a social responsibility to maintain a pricing policy and accessibility that allow as many people as possible to visit Mount Fløyen. The hiking trails are well-suited for wheelchair users and strollers.

  • On our own little garden, we grow potatoes, lettuce, and edible flowers for use in our food service, and through our Nature School, we teach about edible plants found in nature.

  • We encourage our employees to walk, bike, or use public transportation to get to work and have our own bicycle parking.

#9 Innovation and infrastructure
  • Fløibanen uses minimal electricity due to the counterweight principle on which it is built, making it a fossil-free mode of transportation.
  • We use an electric utility vehicle (EL-UTV) for all transport activities on Fløyen, including deliveries to Skomakerstuen.
  • The trash bins on Fløyen have been replaced with "Mr. Fill," which uses solar power to compact three times more waste than a regular bin. We also have an underground compactor system for residual and food waste, reducing the number of transport trips needed for waste collection.
  • Drilling for geothermal energy on Fløyen will cover approximately 70% of the heating needed for Fløirestauranten and about 40% of the hot water requirements.
#11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • As far as possible, we choose products that are locally produced and aim to share the stories behind these local products, such as the furniture in Fløirestauranten and the items sold in Fløistuen shop.
  • In the renovation the restaurant, we have preserved and reused materials, such as restoring old furnitures, upcycling log flooring from offcuts, and reusing old doors and wall panels.
  • When developing concepts we always think local and authentic. Examples of this include meetings in nature at the Skomakerstuen cafe and the way the Nature School and the team building event both use equipment made from wood sourced from the forest on Mount Fløyen. 
  • The food we serve is made from locally sourced and regional products, supporting local employment.
  • All the deposits from returning empty bottles and cans go to local sports teams, who collect the recycling themselves. 

#8 Decent work and economic growth
  • Fløyen is a place that offers experiences and restaurant services throughout the year, giving great opportunities for year-round jobs. 
#12 Responsible consumption and production
  • We require certain standards from our partners regarding environmental certification, recycling and production methods, and prefer to work with suppliers that are working to help the environment. 
  • We have a strong focus on digital advertisements rather than print, and it is our ambition that 50% of tickets purchased for the Fløibanen funicular are digital, meaning visitors don’t have to print unnecessary tickets. 
  • In the furnishing of Fløirestauranten, we have restored old furniture and locally produced new tables and inventory.

  • In new planted areas, we mainly use plants that are naturally found on the mountain, such as heather, juniper bushes, spruce and the like.

#17 Partnership for the goals
  • Through our membership in Visit Bergen, we take an active role in the management of the destination, and we collaborate with others on the sustainable development of the destination.
  • We are proud that Bergen is among the Norwegian destination that have been awarded the label as Sustainable destination.

We are always looking to improve. Do you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve our thinking about sustainability at Fløyen? 

Send to info@floyen.no