Come visit our cashmere goats on Mount Fløyen, and maybe take a selfie with them?
The goats at Mount Fløyen are called “Pippi”, “Fløydis”, “Waldemar”, “Spot”, “Trym”, “Gucci”, “Stjerna”, “Frøya”, “Ferdinand” and “Alex”.
The ten cashmere goats were born in 2020 on Radøy. They are six girls and four boys. Because first and foremost they are bred to clear vegetation, they were all castrated when they were babies. They like to keep each other company and for the most part stay with the herd.
Lazy days at Mount Fløyen
Here at Mount Fløyen the goats enjoy lazy days, but they also make a great effort to clear the mountain of thicket and forest. They eat themselves big and strong within a restricted area. The goats are restricted with the use of modern Norwegian pasture technology, a virtual fence solution for grazing livestock.
The goats love people
The goats love people, and we welcome everyone who wants to pay them a visit at Mount Fløyen. Please do not feed them as they get all the food they need from the nature around them. If you are lucky they will take a selfie with you.
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